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Preventing Free Radical Damage with Bio-Shield

Preventing Free Radical Damage with Bio-Shield

Elizabeth Ferns |

Much of how we move through everyday life relies on the internet, computers, smart phones, and electricity. While technological innovation has changed the lives of many for the better, the impact of surrounding ourselves with electronic devices shouldn’t be ignored. Over time, EMFs and free radicals can cause serious damage to the body, especially the nervous system. While a holistic approach is always recommended, we can prevent this damage with the help of the herbal allies in our Bio-Shield Tincture Blend. 

Disclaimer: This blog is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice. Please consult your health care practitioner before adding any new herbs to your wellness routine. 

What are EMFs and Free Radicals?  

Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are a type of radiation that comes from the earth’s magnetic field, as well as electrical and electronic devices. 

This radiation has been shown to disrupt the breakdown of cellular molecules, creating free radicals within the body. Numerous studies have shown that EMF exposure leads to oxidative stress, increasing free radical concentration (1). 

Free radicals are unstable atoms that can damage cells. While EMFs are one source, they can also be generated by exposure to ultraviolet light, stress, smoke, alcohol, and several other factors. Over time, free radical buildup can cause enough damage to result in illness and aging. 

One of the best ways to combat EMFs and free radicals is by increasing antioxidant intake. Antioxidants are a type of molecule that combat free radical damage by preventing their formation, scavenging them, or supporting their decomposition (2). 

How Bio-Shield Can Prevent Free Radical Damage 

Our Bio-Shield Tincture Blend is intentionally formulated with antioxidant-rich herbs that can support detoxification and immune function. 

Turkey Tail Mushroom 

Turkey Tail has been shown to be anti-pathogenic and anti-viral for a variety of harmful organisms. Extracts can regenerate white blood cells and stimulate the activity and creation of antibodies, macrophages, and natural killer cells (3). One study showed that fruiting body Turkey Tail extracts stimulated macrophage activity by 250% (4). 


Nutrient-rich sea veggies like Bladderwrack are packed with iodine and antioxidants. They support the body’s ability to protect against environmental toxins and flush out heavy metals (5). In a study done to assess the antioxidant levels of brown seaweed varieties, Bladderwrack was shown to have the highest free radical scavenging activity, along with the highest antioxidant capacity (6). 


The ginsenosides and polysaccharides within Ginseng have been shown to cultivate and maintain homeostasis within the immune system. Studies report that this herbal ally can support the health of each type of immune cell, including macrophages, natural killer cells, antibodies, and dendritic cells. Ginseng can also support the body in combatting inflammation and microbial infection (7). 

Burdock Root 

Burdock is known in herbal medicine for its ability to purify the blood and strengthen the lymphatic system (8). Studies show that it can detoxify the liver against a variety of harmful chemicals and heavy metals by stimulating liver enzyme function. It’s packed with antioxidants, prebiotics, and anti-inflammatory compounds (9). 

When to Take Bio-Shield 


Bio-Shield makes an excellent travel companion, especially when visiting larger cities and areas with more pollution. This Tincture Blend comes in 50mL and 100mL sizes for carry-on friendly wellness. 

Wildfire Season 

Canadian summers are seeing more wildfires every year, causing extended exposure to wildfire smoke and all the particles within it. Bio-Shield can help combat the free radicals caused by this exposure. 

Tech Detox 

Is much of your day spent around electronic devices? The next time you decide to take a break and unplug, incorporating Bio-Shield into your wellness routine can provide potent herbal support. 

Click here to shop Bio-Shield.

Looking for more herbal wisdom? Check out our webinar archive, where we dive deeper into the many ways that herbs can support your wellness goals.

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1. Schuermann, D., & Mevissen, M. (2021). Manmade Electromagnetic Fields and Oxidative Stress—Biological Effects and Consequences for Health. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22(7), 3772.

2. Lobo, V., Patil, A., Phatak, A., & Chandra, N. (2010). Free radicals, antioxidants and functional foods: Impact on human health. Pharmacognosy Reviews/Bioinformatics Trends/Pharmacognosy Review, 4(8), 118.

3. Buhner, Stephen Harrod. Herbal Antivirals: Natural Remedies for Emerging & Resistant Viral Infections. North Adams, MA: Storey Publishing, 2020.

4. Jeong, S., Yang, B., Kim, G., Jeong, H., Wilson, M. A., Cho, Y., Rao, K. S., & Song, C. (2006). Macrophage-Stimulating Activity of Polysaccharides Extracted from Fruiting Bodies ofCoriolus versicolor(Turkey Tail Mushroom). Journal of Medicinal Food, 9(2), 175–181.

5. Stansbury, J., Saunders, P., & Winston, D. (2012). Promoting Healthy Thyroid Function with Iodine, Bladderwrack, Guggul and Iris. Journal of Restorative Medicine, 1(1), 83–90.

6. Ummat, V., Tiwari, B. K., Jaiswal, A. K., Condon, K., Garcia-Vaquero, M., O’Doherty, J., O’Donnell, C., & Rajauria, G. (2020). Optimisation of Ultrasound Frequency, Extraction Time and Solvent for the Recovery of Polyphenols, Phlorotannins and Associated Antioxidant Activity from Brown Seaweeds. Marine Drugs, 18(5), 250.

7. Kang, S., & Min, H. (2012). Ginseng, the “Immunity Boost”: The Effects of Panax ginseng on Immune System. Journal of Ginseng Research/Journal of Ginseng Research, 36(4), 354–368.

8. Kuhn, M. A., & Winston, D. (2008). Winston and Kuhn’s Herbal Therapy and Supplements : A Scientific and Traditional Approach (2nd Edition). Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

9. Mahboubi, M. (2021). Arctium lappa and management of liver functions to detoxifying the bloodstream. the Natural Products Journal, 11(5), 609–616.