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Revive & Thrive: The Benefits of Cleansing

Revive & Thrive The Benefits of Cleansing. Image features herbal tea being poured into a small white mug. Herbs can be seen floating throughout the tea and an iridescent reflection shines off the saucer for the mug.

Elizabeth Ferns |

Spring is the perfect time to 'tune-up' the body's internal filtration system and clear out toxins after a long winter. Despite having its own innate detoxification channels, cleansing herbs can support the body in this process, promoting overall vitality and well-being.

Disclaimer: This blog is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice. Please consult your health care practitioner before adding any new herbs to your wellness routine or embarking on a seasonal cleanse.

Understand the 5 Channels of Elimination

Our bodies have built-in mechanisms designed to prevent the absorption of toxins, as well as filter and remove them.


The skin protects the body from bacteria, viruses, and chemical toxins.


The lungs filter out carbon dioxide, fumes, mold, and other airborne toxins.


The liver works to metabolize cellular debris, chemicals, and bacteria while producing bile that removes waste and supports digestion.


The kidneys work to remove toxins and excess fluid from the body through the production of urine.


The colon reabsorbs fluids and electrolytes while removing physical waste from the body.

The History & Benefits of Cleansing

Cleansing is meant to do just that – cleanse the body of excess metabolic waste, heavy metals, toxins, bacteria and more. Detoxification practices have been around for thousands of years, and the benefits can include strengthening immunity, boosting energy, relieving allergies, and improving digestion.

Cleanses are often practiced during the spring to align with the seasonal shift out of the slow energy of winter, when the body tends to slow down, and store more than it releases. Various cultures and ancient healing systems utilize several different cleansing methods to remove toxins and prevent illness.

Several cultures and religions practice fasting or avoiding inflammatory foods to encourage detoxification.

Ayurvedic medicine practices Pancha karma, a five-step system that includes laxatives, inducing vomiting, enemas, bloodletting, and inhaling medicine via fumes or vapours through the nose.

Indigenous cultures have several physical and spiritual practices the support cleansing, including fasting and sweating to remove toxins from the body, as well as smudging with herbs to purify the air and surrounding energy.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) utilizes cupping and acupuncture to regulate and restore the flow of qi (energy or life force) throughout the body, promoting the elimination of waste. A TCM practitioner may also provide herbal formulas to support the body’s innate cleansing pathways.

Why Cleanse with Tinctures?

Herbal tinctures are an effective and safe delivery system for plant medicine. They provide convenient support to the body's detoxification channels. Our herbal tinctures are:

  • Easy to take daily
  • Bioavailable and fast-acting
  • Made with high-quality organic or wild harvested herbs for guaranteed potency
  • Distilled in organic cane alcohol and pure spring water

Understand the Use of Alcohol

Alcohol is an incredibly effective solvent for extracting plant chemistry, and results in a potent, bioavailable tincture. It drives the medicinal compounds of the tincture deeper into the body for proper absorption. Alcohol tinctures:

  • Can be easily diluted
  • Are absorbed quickly into the body
  • With proper storage, they are long-lasting and will maintain potency
  • Contain only a small amount of alcohol

Discover Our Cleansing Tinctures

Adding tinctures to a spring cleanse routine can promote a healthy balance between assimilation of nutrients and elimination of toxins.

Liver TLC

Liver TLC is packed with liver-protective herbs that promote gentle cleansing and detoxification. Dandelion is a bitter herb that stimulates liver function. It can combat free-radicals and prevent fibrosis of the liver from taking form (1). Milk thistle contains an active compound called silymarin that is packed with antioxidants. It also works to soothes liver inflammation (2). Artichoke leaves can slow the development of non–alcoholic fatty liver disease: the main cause of chronic liver disease worldwide (3).

Klear Kidney

Klear Kidney is powered by diuretic herbs, which help to flush out excess fluids and toxins from the body. This herbal formula bolsters kidney function and eases urinary tract discomfort. Juniper berries and uva ursi can increase the rate of kidney filtration and urine output to help flush out toxins (4). Corn silk can repair kidney damage and improve their function (5).

Parasite Purge

Parasite Purge was formulated to rid the body of parasites, intestinal worms, and fungal infections. Garlic is known for its anti-microbial and anti-parasitic properties (6). Wormwood contains compounds that combat mites and parasites (7). Black walnut hull is an effective herbal ally for expelling tapeworms, intestinal parasites, and ringworm (8).


Bio-Shield features herbs that combat pollution and free radical damage while fortifying immunity. Nutrient-rich sea veggies like kelp and bladderwrack are packed with iodine and antioxidants. They support the body’s ability to protect against environmental toxins and flush out heavy metals (9). Ginseng gives the immune system a boost and enhances liver function (10). Turkey tail extracts are packed with compounds that can regenerate white blood cells to fortify our natural defenses. This mushroom nourishes cells that actively fight viral infection within the body (11).

Featured in This Article

A table comparing the facets of 4 products
Liver TLC Tincture
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Klear Kidney Tincture
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Parasite Purge Tincture
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Bio-Shield Tincture
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Fortify liver function and detoxification with our Liver TLC tincture. An herbal blend designed to support the liver's many functions.

Bolster kidney function and ease urinary tract discomfort with our Klear Kidney tincture. 

Expel intestinal parasites, worms and fungal infections with our Parasite Purge tincture. 

Defend against environmental toxins and pollutants with our Bio-Shield tincture. 

Immune Support
From $17.00 USD
From $17.00 USD
From $17.00 USD
From $17.00 USD


1. Hamza, A. A., Mohamed, M. G., Lashin, F. M., & Amin, A. (2020). Dandelion prevents liver fibrosis, inflammatory response, and oxidative stress in rats. The Journal of Basic and Applied Zoology, 81(1).

2. Hackett, E., Twedt, D., & Gustafson, D. (2012). Milk Thistle and Its Derivative Compounds: A Review of Opportunities for Treatment of Liver Disease. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 27(1), 10–16.

3. Panahi, Y., Kianpour, P., Mohtashami, R., Atkin, S. L., Butler, A. E., Jafari, R., Badeli, R., & Sahebkar, A. (2018). Efficacy of artichoke leaf extract in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: A pilot double-blind randomized controlled trial. Phytotherapy Research, 32(7), 1382–1387.

4. Savage, S. (2005, October 15). Effects of Herbal Supplements On the Kidney. Redorbit.

5. Sukandar, E. Y., Sigit, J. I., & Adiwibowo, L. F. (2012). Study of Kidney Repair Mechanisms of Corn Silk (Zea mays L. Hair)-Binahong (Anredera cordifolia (Ten.) Steenis) Leaves Combination in Rat Model of Kidney Failure. International Journal of Pharmacology, 9(1), 12–23.

6. Fridman, S., Sinai, T., & Zilberg, D. (2014). Efficacy of garlic based treatments against monogenean parasites infecting the guppy (Poecilia reticulata (Peters)). Veterinary Parasitology, 203(1–2), 51–58.

7. Yang, C., Ye, P., Huo, J., Møller, A. P., Tryjanowski, P., & Feeney, W. E. (2020). Sparrows use a medicinal herb to defend against parasites and increase offspring condition. Current Biology, 30(23), R1411–R1412.

8. Ali, S. A. (2011). Natural Products as Therapeutic Agents for Schistosomiasis. Research Journal of Medicinal Plant, 5(1), 1–20.

9. Stansbury, J., Saunders, P., & Winston, D. (2012). Promoting Healthy Thyroid Function with Iodine, Bladderwrack, Guggul and Iris. Journal of Restorative Medicine, 1(1), 83–90.

10. CHOI, K. T. (2008). Botanical characteristics, pharmacological effects and medicinal components of KoreanPanax ginsengC A Meyer. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica, 29(9), 1109–1118.

11. Ali, S. A. (2011). Natural Products as Therapeutic Agents for Schistosomiasis. Research Journal of Medicinal Plant, 5(1), 1–20.